Frequently Asked Questions

What do my tuition and fees cover?

Your tuition covers a comprehensive music experience designed for the whole family. This includes weekly classes that engage both children and adults, professionally produced music recordings, and a beautifully illustrated songbook to use at home. Additionally, you’ll receive valuable parent education resources and tips to enhance your family's musical journey, along with access to online content, including a quarterly e-newsletter filled with insights and activities. We also offer special events and parent education sessions that further enhance the overall value of the program, ensuring that you benefit from your investment every day, not just during class time.

  • Weekly 45-minute interactive and musically-rich class with your teacher every week for 10 weeks (6 weeks in the Summer).

  • Current music collection (includes illustrated songbook, music download and CD)

  • Access to music activities from Music Together® Worldwide. Coloring pages, activities and games...exclusively for enrolled families.

  • Unlimited make-ups as space permit

  • Music Development Growth Chart

  • "How to Support Your Child's Music Development" guidebook chock-full of the research behind every little thing we do in class.

As a parent, what is my role in class?

Sing, dance, and have fun! You might be surprised to hear that you are your child's most important music teacher right now—and it doesn't matter whether you think of yourself as a great singer or dancer. Young children develop dispositions for certain behaviors, including learning to love music, by observing and imitating their loved ones. Simply by participating enthusiastically during class and playing with the ideas at home, you'll give your children the modeling they need to learn to love to make music. Please wait to socialize or use your mobile phone until after class and instead help us create a music-only environment.

What's expected of my child in class?

At Music Together, children are never required to sit in the circle or expected to conform to an adult's idea of participation. We know that children learn differently from adults. They learn instinctively and constantly, through observation, interactions with adults and older children, and through imitation, play, and, especially, movement. One hallmark of Music Together is the insight that children will naturally develop music ability simply when they are immersed in a community of families all making music.

Children's responses depend on their most dominant learning style and temperament as well as their age and developmental level. Some might follow the teacher right away. Many will simply want to watch and absorb, particularly in the first few weeks of class. Some might crawl or toddle around; others are stimulated by the music and respond more actively, running, jumping, or dancing. All are perfectly natural responses to the new, musically rich environment. Throughout the term, your teacher will help you tune in to how your child learns best so you can support their music development in class and at home. Feel free to ask if you have questions!

How should we use the Music Together® materials?

Play your songs frequently, especially during the first few weeks of class. Make the music available for your child to listen to while she is playing or before nap or bedtime. Create your Music Together account and download the "Music Together" app for digital versions of the songs and more activity ideas to try! Use the songbook to help you learn the songs and get new musical activities to use at home. If you play an instrument and want to play along, the music notation is available in the Family Music Zone®

What is the class size?

Each class has between 6 and 12 registered children, plus their caregiver(s).

What if I miss a class during the semester?

We offer unlimited makeup classes during each semester.

Can I switch to a different class?

Requests for class changes must be initiated within the first three weeks of the semester. Depending on class availability, changes are made at the discretion of the center director and teachers involved. Changes are not made after the third week of the semester.

What if I start classes after the semester begins?

Music Together By The Broads welcomes families at any point during the semester! However, we do not prorate for classes missed due to late registration. Instead, families may make-up class(es) during the semester.

Can we eat in class?

Please feel comfortable to nurse or bottle-feed your child in class, but we ask that you not bring food or drink into classrooms.

Can I bring a guest or an unregistered older sibling to class?

Music Together® classes may be in session when older children have a school holiday, and it is natural to want to bring them with you to class. All guests must be prearranged with the teacher to ensure adequate space in the class.

Is it OK for more than one adult to come to class?

Yes, parents, grandparents, or caregivers are welcome to attend class at any time—no need to ask!

Why aren't there classes for specific age groups?

Classes with children of different ages have intellectual and social benefits for both younger and older children. In fact, it's the learning environment recommended by many early childhood researchers. Older children learn empathy and awareness of others, while developing leadership qualities and gaining self-confidence. Younger children learn by imitating the older ones and often show more complex behaviors earlier than usual. Even babies benefit by being in an environment that gives them lots of opportunities to observe the behavior of children of varying ages. Plus, it allows everyone—siblings, parents, grandparents, caregivers—to share in the musical experience together!